All JSB business checking account holders can receive a Visa Debit Card. You may pay for purchases with funds from your JSB business checking account anywhere that VISA is accepted with a Jefferson Security Bank business debit card. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or the hassle of paying by check. The card also allows you to obtain cash from an ATM. Apply for a debit card at any Jefferson Security Bank office or call 304-876-9000.
Using Your Business Debit Card
JSB Debit Cards are chip-enabled with EMV, the global standard for debit and credit cards equipped with computer chips. The technology for authenticating chip-card transactions increases protection against fraud by making it harder to counterfeit cards.
While JSB cards are chip-enabled, you still need to create a 4-digit Pin number. Make sure you treat your PIN as you would a password. Never share it with anyone and don’t write it on the back of your card or keep it with your card. Avoid easy-to-guess PINs like your birth year or “1234.”
What Happens if My Business Debit Card is Unexpectedly Declined?
If you are using your debit card to make a purchase without using your PIN number and your transaction is unexpectedly declined, you may still be able to make your purchase by using your PIN number, provided that the funds are available in your account. If the denial is the result of a restriction placed on a specific type of store or specific location and the transaction was originally processed as a credit type or signature-based transaction, you may try selecting debit and entering your PIN number. If you do not know your PIN number, contact your local JSB Office to request a new one.
Safeguarding Your Business Debit Card
You have likely seen in the news that customer information has been compromised through several large retailers. Unfortunately, we have no control over how your card information is handled by merchants once you have used your card with them. We apologize for anyone who has been impacted and would like to provide you with some additional information to help in the future.
First, it is important to understand that fraud on your account, which can result from the merchant's inability to protect your card information, may not result in a loss to you. It is extremely rare for those losses to be passed on to the merchants. In order to ensure your funds are returned to you, we need to act quickly when we become aware of fraudulent activity by taking the steps we feel necessary to limit the ability for compromised information to be used.
If we receive notification that your card information has been compromised, we will notify you and request that you obtain a new card to help prevent fraud on your account. If you suspect fraudulent activity on your card, please contact us immediately at 304-876-9000.
We appreciate your business and hope providing you with this information will help us to better serve your needs. Please feel free to contact your local JSB Office in Shepherdstown, Charles Town, Martinsburg, Inwood, or Sharpsburg to get a debit card or ask any questions you may have.